Monday, May 16, 2011


Ugh my sister is SUCH a bitch! I mean seriously...she won't ride the bus to school, so me and my 18 yr old brother have to pick her up EVERY day. Today he had to work, and I for once didn't so I went out with my friend and we went to the beach and climbed dunes and went shopping. It came time to pick my sister up and we went to get some food. We were waiting for our chicken to get done and my mom calls from her work screaming at me cause I am with friends and have a life and my car is at home. So I tell her I CAN NOT get my sister. (My brother never told me he was at work and he was supposed to tell me I had to get her which he didn't.) My mom asks me what she should do. Well I said to my mom "I don't know, she's not my kid.".....and she hung up. Whatever.

Now I'm at home, my mom and sister are here and my sis starts yelling at me. I say "Well fuck, I rode the bus everyday even while I was in senior year."and she starts complaining and screaming at me and my mom joins in too. Finally I just yell "Her fat lazy ass needs to start doing shit and ride the bus or walk."To this my sis of course replies "You can't even say that shit cause you're fat too!" FUCK HER!!! as if I don't know I'm fat?!?! umm I'm not lazy that's for sure. Lazy people don't run/walk/bike/climb 10 miles a day!! I do.

I can't wait until I weigh 125....then she can't call me fat. No one will. They will stare and comment on how skinny I am and ask "How did you do it?" ya....I wish I was thin. Really REALLY thin. Then I will be happy with myself. I'm going to finish cleaning my room...I moved all my furniture and it looks great. Then I will go run. I think I will do 3 miles of that. yep. gonna do everything I can to get thin. It's almost 7 now and i'm done eating for the rest of the night. yep, done.

I went to American Eagle and bought size 12 jeans!!! and they are kinda loose on me :) next up size 10! I'm gonna do this!!!!

Hope everyone is well and doing better than me. Family sure can suck.
<3 Toxic

1 comment:

  1. I have a younger sister too, we can be the best of friends and we can also fight at any moment. It sucks now but I'm sure you guys will be closer one day. Don't let the stress and her comments get you down. xo
