Friday, February 25, 2011

Another day....

So this morning I woke up 10 minutes late cause my alarm didn't go off, but my mom wakes me up everyday anyways. So I don't really need an alarm. Since I showered the night before I jumped right out of bed and worked out, which I feel GREAT about. I stretched, warm-ed up, then danced for a good half hour before getting dressed and eating a small bowl of cheerios and taking my multi-vitamin. So my day was off to a good start.

Today i began a new practice. Counting calories. I gotta say if you are trying to lose weight and aren't already doing this, DO IT!!!! Nothing makes you stop eating and pigging out more than knowing just how much you are consuming. I am disappointed that I ate a whooping 1485 cals, but if I hadn't recorded it I just know I would've had more. My mom bought a bunch of junk food: doritos, brownies, soda... cheese and chocolate, my weaknesses. :( I MUST STAY STRONG AND OUT OF THE KITCHEN!!!!

I walked my dog when I got home from work and now I'm going to dance more. For at least an hour. I need to burn some cals.

Here are some new tricks I learned that are helping me towards my goal.
1.Calorie counting (as I said before) It REALLY works.

2.When you eat out or get fast food, order from the kids menu. The portions are made to be smaller cause kids just don't eat like adults do. This makes it so you can't eat as much cause there isn't that much to eat.

3.This REALLY works for me, when I get hungry, I look at pictures or videos of people being injected. Weird? Yes, but hear me out. Ever since I can remember I have been TERRIFIED by needles and syringes. It scares me so much that just the sight of a needle going into someones arm makes me feel sick to my stomach and I can't eat. Of course if this doesn't bother you it won't really work, but find out what really sickens you and use it to fight your hunger.

And now....GAL THINSPO!!!!!

Aina, I love this pic of her, and her legs are perfect. She's so thin.

Cocona. shes too cute and super tan...sigh i miss my tan. :(

Aina again. 

Yumachi, my favorite thinspo model. She is SO thin. 

Yumachi & Aina...I wish I looked that good in a bikini. :(

Well there you have it. I wasn't expecting this post to be so long. Hope you enjoy! Never give up on you dream to be thin. Once you do, that's when you lose the battle with food.
~Thanks for following <3     

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