Monday, April 2, 2012

At mommy's work.

<p>Class got out early today. Which is nice. I'm sitting in my moms work, a doctors office, just drank my water and having another cause I just toke a pill slim quick. My mom bought them to lose weight and lets me try em. She's been super nice to me. :/ weird but nice. </p>
<p>She's seriously obsessed with losing weight... (It runs in the family) speaking of running and family, I went running with my sister (my sister who binges all the time) she told me how her boyfriend touched her stomach the other day and she got upset cause he was joking with her and she told him "you know I used to have an eating disorder." I said to her "you were trying to see how he'd react?" Then she went on and told me she seriously wouldn't eat back in middle school (I know for a fact she doesn't like eating infront of people to this day) but I never put 2 and 2 together, I recalled then how thin she used to be. Then it hit me omg she's not kidding, how could I not notice?!</p>
<p>I ran ahead of her, I run faster and have a longer stride. I started to cry, knowing my own food problems and worrying if I might have triggered her ever and thinking on how we both have gone an I still am going through this. I love my sister and I never want her to feel like she isn't allowed to eat ever again.

Well, I ate today and I'm pissed. Not eating anymore tonight.

1 yogurt
3/4 cheeseburger

FAT ASS! I'm down to 150.6 again. Yay! I breed to be at 148 or lower by Wednesday.

Phone is gonna die so ill end this.
<3 toxic


  1. I've just started reading your blog. We're about the same weight, I'm 157 and change. I followed, please support?

  2. Just found your blog and I love it.
    Just wanted to say maybe your sister would feel the same exact way as you did if she found out about what's going on with you. I know it kills me when I see my sister heading down the same road i'm in.
