Friday, November 18, 2011

Feeling better.

Really though, I am. :) I read a post on tumblr's thinspo page...ugh I wish I could find it again...but basicly, this girl on tumblr talks about how she is learning more and more that if you want something done and you want to better yourself only you can do it. I'm determined to find it. haha

Well, Today I had a yogurt parfait thing at school. It made me nervous cause idk how many cals are in it. Gonna guess high at 200, its small and what not. But always better to overestimate than under. I have class at 11-12 and work at 1 so I won't eat, just drink diet pepsi and then at 1 go to work and be stuck there til 6. So by then all I'll have eaten was the parfait! :) Today is going to be a good intake day!

I plan to run after work. So that will drop my net down. If I do some dance and exercise too, I will be able to burn off the 200 cals and then some! So negative day! (unless of course I have some kind of dinner.) If I do that it will only be like 210 cal chicken nuggets or something. Maybe a salad!!! yum! :)

I feel so positive today. I can do this!!!!

Found it! this post. idk, I just found it to be so inspiring. Espically since I've been beating myself up for eating so much lately and not losing.

@FightToBeThin-Oh...dilute got it. :) That sounds like a good idea. Thanks for the kind words too. :) I'm just going to load up on veggies and the like. Have a tiny tiny piece of turkey and NO bread or potatos. I'm avoiding them like the plague. Who knows? this could be a good time to practice hiding food, and making it look like I've eaten more than I really have :)
@Thin Thoughts- Yes. We. Will!!!!! That pickles in mustard and ketchup sounds amazing! I eat carrots with yellow mustard. 0 cals!!! :) Also I don't like sweet pickles...they taste funny. :p I'm excited to fast, I haven't fasted for a full 24 hours in a while...I will fast with you Monday and Tuesday. Do you live in the US? If so do you want to be text buddies? We could really keep each other on track this way. :) If you do send me an email @

Well...I'm going to go for a walk around campus before class. I'm so excited to lose more weight! I will soon be in the 140s, then I will reach my first goal weight of 140 lbs.

I would add some thinspo to this post, but I really need to go walk or something. I'll post some thinspo tonight,  and update everyone on my intake.
<3 Toxic

1 comment:

  1. Just started following your blog. Love your progression numbers!! Keep up the good work chic!!
