Saturday, November 5, 2011


So I gave up on  the ABC, ya I know, I'm weak and have no control... :( I haven't binged lately though :D and i'm restricting very well. Only eat solid food like twice a day usually a granola bar in the morning then nothing til dinner which I haven't been finishing. So my intakes have been under 1000, sometimes under 600 or 400 even. I weighed myself this morning. 154.2 yay!!!!

I have a new goal. I will get to 145 by my Thanksgiving break. It starts on the 22nd. So I have...17 days to lose 9.2 lbs. EASY!

My present for reaching it? I will  go to American Eagle and buy a dress for the holiday. I already picked it out. I hopefully will be able to buy a size 6.

Here's the link for a bigger picture.
I'm getting it in cream. Found the perfect shoes for it too. Can't decide between silver or gold...I think gold, but when I go buy the dress it will be easier to see which shoes look better with it.

Other than that I don't have much more to say...for some reason I find that I've stopped binging and purging almost completely, and starving has become easier, natural again...It makes me happy. I will post again soon, Monday for sure, but might post tomorrow too. I don't like posting when I fuck up or am in a slump...last weekend I sort of was...I had fun granted, but I ate like a cow. Which is why I was gone all week. Not anymore though :)

Have a lovey weekend, well, the rest of it. :)
<3 Toxic


  1. I'm joining sunshinechild in fast for the next few days if you want to join us. Basically, from midnight we're doing a liquid fast for about five days - Tuesday to Saturday. Feel free to join if you wish. Well done on reaching 154.2, it's such an achievement :)

  2. Thanks, :) I'd really love to join the fast! Midnight tonight? Also what is allowed in this liquid fast? What do you allow yourself? I'm definitely up for it :)
