Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fuck, Whatever.

I was in a pissy mood, my car sounds like shit right now and I need to get oil and gas before I can really drive it. I need a new car. Mine's about to hit 149K miles....and it hates me. Oh well. I was pissed cause my dad told me to go get oil for the car and when I started it, it sounded like shit so I just said fuck it and stayed home. He told me to wait for my mom to get home and have her take me. Really? Why can't you? So I got mad, came in and measured out a bowl of cereal and almond milk, ate it, was even more pissed. Then I sat and figured out my intake for the day.

Nature Valley apple crisp bar- 80cal
4 chicken nuggets- 176 cal
salad- 15 cal
dressing- 30 cal
mini kitkat- 70 cal
fruit cup- 35 cal
coffee cake- 190 cal
cereal + milk- 145

total= 741 cals.

not. too. bad. :) When I realized I stayed under my 800 limit for today I cheered up. Still a bit cheery now, but the idea of being stuck in a house of food... :'( Waiting for my mom to get home and gonna make her take me to the store then going to see Chad before she finishes dinner so I won't eat. Chad's mom made pork steaks and he's eating now, so I will miss dinner at his house too! :) good day in some ways I guess.

I think i'll finish cleaning my room til she gets here to stay out of the kitchen. Yeah, that sounds like a plan. :) I found my Ipod while cleaning, so now I can have music when I go run and ride my bike.

My intake yesterday was bad idk what it was numbers-wise, but it was very bad. Monday and Tuesday ended up being good and today was very good too. :) I should have lost more weight. :)

When I weighed Tuesday it said 156.6, not to bad, should be under 155 this coming up Tuesday. So I'm excited. So happy my scale works again. It needed new batteries and now its giving me the right weight again? Weird. I don't understand that thing. I will weigh tomorrow and see where i'm at so I can work extra hard over the weekend and lose more before Tuesday. I'm trying to only step on the scale twice a week. Tuesday to record my weight, and Friday to check it. Otherwise I go crazy when I barely change overnight.

Thinspo. Just a few sorry. :)

I love the last one cause it says "keep calm and reach 115 by summer." 115 is my UGW and I wanna be there by then :) Not much more to say...

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