Tuesday, March 15, 2011


It's Tuesday again. My weight is down to 178.0 so i'm down another 2.2 lbs :) this makes me happy. AND, i'm in the 170's!!! I'm excited for my weight loss. I did however go out to eat last night with my family, and we went to one of my favorite sit down restaurants, this Mexican one, and I ate...a lot. I actually hurt after eating. I have done well today and though I didn't count my cals today, I would say it was under 700. :) The weather here is absolutely amazing now, and I wanna go run tomorrow. I'm going to get my brother to go with cause he runs every single day, and knows a lot about proper stretching, breathing, ect. I also plan to stay under 700 cals, maybe try to eat only 500 or less...we'll see.

Me and that guy I've been seeing are now quite close, and I found out he likes me too, (we made out and he tried to go farther, but I don't want him to see my disgusting body). We have been together a lot these past few days, and I was at his house until 3am last night. I cried uncontrollably when I got home however. I want to be in a relationship with him but he says he doesn't want that. It made me feel like i'm not good enough and worthless. Which I know I am and that's why he doesn't want to be with me :( My mom and close friend who I talked to say he will change and it's just because so much has gone on in his life recently, with his dad dying and all that. I just know it's not him, it's me. I'm fat, ugly, stupid, annoying, immature, needy, and worthless. I am nothing, a waste of time. I wish I was loved.

I just remembered, I left my ana bracelet at his house...I started wearing one to remind myself that I'm not alone, and I can be strong and fight food with everyone else. Mine is just a simple red string. Well he asked me "Why do you have that dumb red string on your wrist again?" So I said "I don't know I meant to take it off" and toke it off right there so he wouldn't be suspicious.

If I could just get under 170 lbs by the end of the month...I'd feel better. So much better. But even at 169.9 I will still be so fat and disgusting. I don't think I will ever be worth anything. If only...
Thanks for following,
<3 Toxic


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm sure he will come around.. Great job on the weight loss though, I'm sure you will reach your goals.


