Friday, March 18, 2011


So I'm really honored to have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger award. It's nice cause I just started this blog a little over a month ago. So thank you Lottie for nominating me. :) I love reading your blog. If you haven't gone to her's yet do it. It's a good one.

So the rules (which I just copy and pasted from her blog)
The Rules:
1. Thank the person who loved you enough to bestow this gift
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Bestow this honour onto 10 newly discovered or followed bloggers– in no particular order– who are fantastic in some way.
4. Drop by and let your ten new friends know you admire them.

7 things about me.

1. I'm a wallflower. Seriously, I'm just kind of there most the time and am very quiet. I talk with my friends and have a few choice best-friends all of whom no nothing about my battle with food, but when I'm with a group of friends I always feel like the extra person. Like the one people talk to but would rather talk to the more outgoing ones in the group.

2. I've developed a habit of dancing when i'm doing things like cleaning, standing, sitting, on the computer, driving (that one get's hilarious) and in the shower. I just can't sit still. I rock my feet back and forth a lot too. It makes no sense haha but i can't really stop sometimes. It keeps me moving a lot though...which is good.

3.Sometimes I act so childish....It's strange cause everyone has always said how mature I was, even at a young age. When I get upset I pout and don't know what to do sometimes. I've even been known to throw tantrums. Yes 20 years old and i whine like a baby sometimes...sigh. Oh and I love cutesy things. My carebears, plushies, hello kitty and Disney stuff in my room. Which is painted pink. My family says i'm like a Disney princess. I guess it's a compliment? 

4.I'm very insecure. Not just about my weight, but the fact that I might have an ED. The reason it scares me so much is that I sometimes slip in front of my friends and family. I apparently call myself fat and ugly all the time too, I don't really notice it sometimes. It's just how I honestly feel so I just blurt it out. Oh and the other day I left my room to go to the bathroom and left my laptop open since I would be back in like 5 minutes. When I got back my mom was in there and I kinda freaked out and slammed it shut. I don't know if she saw it or not, but I had my blog open....I think she would've freaked if she had actually read it. so....I'm safe. She was texting someone and didn't want my dad to know so that's the reason she was there.

5.I have a type. I kinda slowly developed one my whole life, but it's official now, I have one. The guys I go for are very scruffy tough and manly. I actually have had crushes on and flirted with guys almost twice my age. I just love manly men. They make me feel so feminine. I just find a guy with a beard, muscular arms and long hair, or a motorcycle to be so hot! I'm silly I know. 

6.I live to please other people. Sometimes I will sacrifice my own happiness for others...and I always seek others approval. Which is probably why I always look for perfection. I just want to be good enough for others. 

7. I don't believe in Christianity, but go to church almost every week. I believe in God, just not the Christian one. Oh and I don't really believe Jesus is the son of God either. I used too...

Well that's my seven. And now, the 10 people I want to give this award to. In no order.
3.Ana Fibb
6.Thin Is Everything

Ugh. I'm sorry I always post so much! I'll make it my goal to start keeping it short and simple.
Just had to spread the love. Thanks again to Lottie for nominating me :)
~Thanks for following <3Toxic


  1. Haha your welcome :)
    I can relate to most of what you have said there, like about being insecure, looking for approval all the time and being the mature one, I'm like that too :)
    The Disney princess bit made me giggle!
    Stay strong,
    Lottie x

  2. Oh wow your #’s 4-6 sound exactly like me, haha! I have got the worssst case of insulting myself/calling myself/fat/ugly without even realizing I do it. Today my mom asked me if I wanted to make an appt for a haircut and I said “a fat ugly girl with a nice haircut is pointless”. Haha whoops. It just comes so naturally to me to shut down peoples compliments, like an instant reaction. When my bf tells me I look so beautiful I will just start rambling off “yeah right my eyebrows need to be waked, my skin is dry, my hair is super frizzy today….”. and oh my gosh I love love manley men, like my ideal man is a lumberjack haha, twice my age is ideal for me also. Haha because I know some scruffy 38 year old will think I am a tiny cute pretty little 20 year old, and to themmmmm I will be a catch.

  3. 2,3, and 4 are totally me. ^_^
