Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I'm just.....not happy.

So today has been a horrible day since I rolled out of bed at 8:30. I weighted myself and am so upset/furious/sad/pissed/unhappy/want to stab my self in the stomach til there is no more fat. Ya, it's been a bad day. So after seeing my weight, i worked out hardcore. Then had a small bowl of strawberry corn flakes, went to work. Where I was so upset and thought about my weight all day. When I got home at 7 I made dinner, spaghetti. It was good, but I ate much more than I should cause I was so depressed and just didn't give a fuck. The moment I saw my empty plate however, I wanted to scream. It was like a nightmare. but real. Then I sat around and watched TV. After that I went in my room and worked out again. Plus i've had a splitting headache since I got to work. So ya, sad depressing day.
Now i'm on facebook and he's on. So I start a convo, and he just gives short shitty answers to my questions. I feel like he hates me. It would make sense...I'm not worth his time. I just wish I could fall asleep and this weight be gone and then he could love me...but life isn't that simple.

Went shopping yesterday, it made me want to cry. I walked into pacsun to get some sunglasses and soon as I walk in i see these cute shorts and tanks. I can't wear them though...I would look stupid cause I'm so fat. I need to lose weight so that rather than stare longingly at the new, cute, tiny swimsuits I could...you know buy one and not be afraid to wear it.

I need something to cheer me up.

These last ones are all the Egg fashion magazine model Nemoyayo. Shes so cute.

Ok so thats all the thinspo I have left saved to my comp. I need to add more. I will. 

Sorry for not posting my weight. I will post it next Tuesday instead. When I have gotten rid of the weight I just added to my waist :( I feel so fat. I seriously hate myself right now... I just can't share my new weight. I HATE HATE HATE this...It has set me back. But my goals will be reached!

Thanks for following 


  1. Aww things will get better soon, don't loose hope! the number on the scales can be changed, so don't worry about it :)
    Stay strong,
    Lottie x

  2. tomorrow will always be a better day. Take baby steps, you get the those shorts, try em on, an keep workin hard so that when you finally fit into them the way youd like youll be excited as hell. Dont ever say your not worth a guys life...we girls need to stand strong. Were just as important as they are if not more! xoxo :)
