Tuesday, March 8, 2011


It's Tuesday! I weighed myself already and was expecting to be maybe down 1 pound from last week because of my binge day, but was screaming with excitement when the scale read 180.2. Down 3 lbs from last week!!! and 10 since I stared! I am so happy, just really really happy. My work is actually paying off, and besides that one week where I gained 1.2 lb, I have lost weight every week. I never thought i'd be losing this often, I thought in the beginning (I'm never going to stick to this weight loss, I'm to weak and have no self-control.) But I have been, and will continue to lose. I want this to bad to quit. Can't wait to reach my cgw of 140. Then the hard work of getting to my ugw of 125. I CAN DO THIS!

Oh and back to my weird love life. I went back over to my friends' house. The younger guy and me hung out together for like 5 hours. Well we started watching a movie, and were lying on the bed really close to each other, and he put his arm around me and kept flirting with me. I flirted a little back, but nothing happened. I resisted my urges. I really wanted to and before I left he toke his shirt off, and let me tell you, he works out all the time and has a rockin body. But I resisted. I'm having trouble resiting him though... I don't want to but I want to, and my mind is just so messed up from him :( I even dreamed about him last night!

It's still spring break. The weather outside right now is great! sunny, and almost 50 degrees! My dog has been stubborn when we go for walks lately...she will stop and refuse to go any farther, until I turn around too and go back the way we came. It sucks cause normally we walk really far around this park which is like 2 mi. but maybe something scares her there...idk she's a really big dog and is afraid of the littlest things, but i love her.

So I said I was going to post some thinspo, and I will...next post. Sorry guys, but I haven't found much new good thinspo, I promise to post before the day is over. I need to go workout. Stay positive your goals can be reached.
~Toxic loves ya

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