Monday, March 21, 2011

A good day/night

Yesterday started off very slow....I purged. Not intentionally. I was on the computer and suddenly had to jump up and run to the bathroom. It sucks cause it was just juice, also i toke my multi like 30 mins, hopefully I still got the nutrition from it... I ate very very VERY few cals and was so proud of myself. idk maybe 500 total. Good day :)

When I got home from work my mom had cooked this fancy red potatos with parsley and some honey mustard chicken. Which smelled SOOOOO good. I went on fb and started talking to his brother who was on, and he said to come over and see his lil bro so I said I would.

I had to change before leaving, which was a nightmare. I actually started crying cause nothing was fitting me good, I could see my fat under my shirt and changed like 10 times, threw things around my room, and finally settled with a big black band tee that covered me up. I was just so fat and bloated yesterday :( I ate half a bite of my moms chicken and two bites of potato. My mom looked questioningly at me but I was just like "Well I'm going to his house....gotta leave have no time" and ran out the door. She didn't think twice :)

The rest of the night I spent with him., and OMG I like him sooooo much. We sat around and watched movies with his mom and brother. It was nice cause I was sitting and he lied down across my lap in front of them. So he's not embarrassed to be affectionate with me around them. Then we went to his room and he kept messing with me and kissing me, but he bit my hip and put his hand on my stomach...all I could think was how fat I was and bloated and just disgusting. He asked whats wrong and I told him about how I had felt sick all day. Which no lie, I was. I told him I had to leave, but he wouldn't let me haha. Then he did something I HATED...he picked me up... Ya, I almost died. I said something like can pick me up? and he was like umm...ya. He tried to do it again but i would NOT let him. He must really be strong if he can pick up my fat ass though.

So all in all less than 500 cals, fun with my guy, and I had no homework. So it was a good day. :)
Let's hope I can have more days like this. Today I feel sick again and so far have only had 290 cals. (I had a Mountain Dew this morning.) Oh and I will see him tonight!

Get thin, stay thin. Thin is the manifestation of true beauty.
mwah! Toxic

1 comment:

  1. Nice intake!
    I'm glad you had a good day :)
    I have the same problem with getting changed if I feel bloated :/
    Stay strong,
    Lottie x
